Months back, when I knew I wanted to choose this film as December's selection, I couldn't have imagined how much I'd come to have in common with it. When I found out this November I was expecting my first child, it didn't take very long for me to connect back to the film I selected for Food 'n Flix and reflect to myself about how life really can surprise you when you least expect it, and direct you towards change you when you most need it. Though some may say 'Waitress" is
just a chick flick, I believe the beauty of this film is that it speaks to the heart of all of us that has ever stumbled upon a way out of what was and into what should be in the places we were least likely to find who we were meant to be.
To begin with I,
Ree of Milk, Sugar, Musings & Love, wondered if the combination of green and apples and cranberries would be too tart for a pie. I was won over before it was done baking when my kitchen was transformed into a quintissential New England home during the holidays; Dancing medley of cinnamon, orange, cranberry and warmed, sweetened green apple wafting through the air. Much to my surprise, This
Green Apple and Cranberry Pie, served with homemade vanilla ice cream and a dallop of fresh whip cream became and instant favorite!

Inspired by Jenna's ability to turn her emotions into something delectable and creative,
Heather of Girlichef('s)
The Holidays Are Making Me NUTS Pie speaks for itself. After one look of the mixed salted nuts baked in between a layer of sweet, gooey goodness, I think we'd all gladly go nuts if it meant we were indulging in a piece of this delicious creation.

Rather than changing the title of her blog to
", eating and living (occasionally) healthy in Paradise!" Deb in Hawaii turned to 'The Good Neighbor' cookbook for a way out of the
overindulged-over-the-holiday-blues and made something green. Her charming individual tarts
"Too Much Indulging is Making Me Green" Crustless Spinach Quiche is sure to please anyone with a craving for something lighter that doesn't sacrifice one bit of the satisfaction you're sure to taste in every bite.
Tina from
Life in the Slow Lane at Squirrel Head Manor also went savory with a mouthwatering
Beef & Guinness Pie and since her home life is not even close to being miserable like Jenna's, she "made a comforting pie. For dinner, not dessert. My life is good..." I have to agree, Tina. Mine would be a little bit better if only I could get a bite of this pie!
Though there were only a few entries this month, I think we managed to round up a pie for every taste...and any mood. Thank you for your submissions, Ladies!
*If we missed anybody, please let us know right away and we'll add madness sometimes causes things to get lost in the shuffle.*