Holiday Movie Inspired Recipe Roundup

A roundup of recipes inspired by some of our favorite holiday films in December 2019 #FoodnFlix
Just like that, December has come and gone! I don't know about you, but I squeezed in as many holiday movies as is humanly possible this year...everything from Anna and the Apocalypse (a Zombie Christmas Musical - seriously fun) to White Christmas! Our challenge this month was to create recipes inspired by some of our favorite holiday movies, and the Food 'n Flix club bloggers did not disappoint. And surprisingly enough, everybody pulled inspiration from different films - no overlap!

I hope you made it through the holidays unscathed, and if you have any favorite recipes inspired by your favorite holiday films, be sure to let us know in the comments below. So, until next year, here's a look at what we created in the kitchen in December.

Christmas with a View inspired Eggs Florentine from Culinary Adventures with Camilla
The first contribution to come in this month was a beautiful plate of Eggs Florentine from Camilla at Culinary Adventures with Camilla, inspired by Christmas with a View, a fun and cheesy holiday movie on Netflix!

White Christmas inspired Turkey and Cranberry Panini from A Day in the Life on the Farm
I love that Wendy from A Day in the Life on the Farm was inspired to create this Turkey and Cranberry Panini after hearing the mention of a turkey sandwich and food being able to affect your dreams in the classic holiday film White Christmas.

Christmas with the Krank's inspired Brussels Sprouts dish from Coffee and Casseroles
Next up from Coffee and Casseroles are what I'm affectionately calling Kimberly's "Krank"y Brussels Sprouts, since they were inspired by the film Christmas with the Kranks...and a bit of serendipity.

Mead (Honey-Wine) Jelly inspired by Christmas Vacation from Eliot's Eats
I'm pretty excited that Debra from Eliot's Eats chose National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation as her flick...and made some Mead (Honey-Wine) Jelly as her inspiration...because that scene was one I was choosing from, as well!

caldo verde photo by Mateus Hidalgo, used under creative commons license via wikipedia
Caldo Verde photo by Mateus Hidalgo, via Wikipedia Creative Commons license
I was so happy that an old friend, Tina from Squirrel Head Manor, joined us again this month with her contribution inspired by Love, Actually - Caldo Verde.

Soul Cakes inspired by Love the Coopers from All Roads Lead to the Kitchen
My biggest problem this month was narrowing down my choices! I watched so many holiday films and took so many food-inspired notes...but ultimately went with a film that I didn't expect to choose, Love the inspiration pulling from not only a scene, but a song that played a couple of times in the film - Soul Cakes (the photo & recipe are on my Instagram now, but will catch up on All Roads Lead to the Kitchen with a full post soon)!

Twisted Parmesan Christmas Tree Rolls by Amy's Cooking Adventures
And last, but definitely not least, Amy from Amy's Cooking Adventures couldn't choose just one, so instead she created these Twisted Parmesan Christmas Tree Rolls to fit in with her long list of favorite Christmas movies!

Thanks to everybody who joined us in the kitchen with our favorite holiday movies this month...and here's to a Happy New Year!


  1. Such a fun and festive list of recipes (and movies)! Happy 2020, all!

  2. I love that you gave us a chance to pick. I could sense the energy from pretty much all the posters this month. Love it. -Kimberly at Coffee and Casseroles.

    1. I loved seeing what everybody chose. Thanks Kimberly!
