Big Night

Who's in the mood for a little Italian?  Or a big Italian for that matter... (ba dum bum)

Head on over and visit spabettie for an introduction to her pick for this month's flick: Big Night!

Watch it and head into the kitchen to cook or bake up something inspired by the film and send it over to her no later than April 25.

I look forward to seeing what everybody comes up with!

*Check out the roundup HERE!


  1. Can you believe I've never seen this movie? I can't wait to finally watch it. :)

    I'll be posting my round-up later today.

  2. Another fantastic movie pick! Loads of food scenes. I'm on board for this one too.

  3. how awesome! you should do one a movie i was in "saving face" - recently rewatched it and there was so much food in that!

  4. @the actor's diet - cool! I will add it to our "suggestions" page. Thanks =)

  5. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! WHAT a great idea. I am hooked. Now I have to watch Big Night again. :-)
